Thursday, April 29, 2010

Handsome Man

There hasn't been a whole lot going on lately...hence the lack of new posts.
I know that my family loves seeing new pics of Landon so here are some of my favorite outfits he has.
I'm sad though because he is getting so big that some aren't going to fit him much longer :(

These are some of my favorite jammies on him...they even have little monkey feet!

I bought this from Baby Gap before we knew if we were having a boy or girl.
I loved the guitars since Jared plays the guitar.

This picture is a little dark, but he looked so darn cute sleeping in his collared shirt

One of the first warm days of the year, we busted out the shorts
(Thanks Shannon for the hand-me-down)

Easter outfit...he also had on the cutest brown cords

Baby dedication day
Also, one of the best family photos to date!

Rocking the BSU gear with dad.
I know this won't be the last time, especially once Fall rolls around (the fan was right above him and was much more interesting than the camera!)

This is probably my all time favorite outfit so far!

I know that little girls have dresses, tights and other cute clothes, but so far Landon has been fun to dress!
He just needs to stop growing so fast so that I can get more use out of his clothes!!!


Allikaye's Mama said...

Oh! I think that boy is one cute dude! Although, I was sad to see none of Aunt Ashley's shirts made the top list! boohoo

Shannon said...

The monkey jammies are ADORABLE! I'm pretty sure I recognize that BSU onesie...that was Micah's take home outfit! Are his socks the ones we got you? They looked waay teeny when we bought them in the hospital(I couldn't resist), I hope he was able to wear them at least once! That is a GREAT family photo. HA! That crab outfit is was from Court, and I would put it on the days he was being crabby..for some lame reason I got a kick out it. I'm tellin ya...the shrink wrap is the way to go! He'll be bigger than you soon! You are SO right, he is a HANDSOME man!

Melissa said...

oh he is such a handsom man! Love the outfits!

Libby Lu said...

thanks for sharing! you may think not much is going on but you get to see your fam everyday and your stalkers-i mean blog fans don't get to see you guys. so any pics are SO welcome! so thanks, rhody! landon is way cute, love the outfits! you have a real life doll! haha