Friday, January 8, 2016

11ish Months!

I got behind with the holidays, but wanted to at least write a couple of things about Oakley at 11 months!  Even though she turns 1 in a week, I wanted to have separate posts!
Here is what you are up to these days!

* Sleeping hasn't changed since the last post!  Consistently about 8:00/8:30-8:30.  You still wake up every month or so in the middle of the night and you and I get a "sleepover" in the guest room together!
* You have become attached to a little stuffed monkey!  You like to suck on the tail and it gives you a terrible rash around your mouth.  It's cute because you get so excited when I ask if you want your monkey and then you grab and hug it so tight.  You will also occasionally say "dee dee" for it!

* You still suck on your two fingers (and they are getting so chapped they look painful :(

* You are taking 2 naps a day, typically around 10:30 and 2:30/3:00...but you are okay if you miss a nap and it doesn't throw you off much.  
* You will just lay in your crib and play when you are falling asleep or when you wake rarely cry when you wake up and I know you are still tired if you do.

* You are still nursing about 4 times a day and are starting to not like your bottle as much.

* I have tried to start whole milk, but so far you aren't really a fan.  You will take a couple of sips and then spit it out or just stop drinking it.

* You are a fairly good eater.  You aren't super adventurous and like to eat similar things everyday, but you feed yourself very independently.  Your favorites are definitely carbs!  You love pancakes, rice, chicken nuggets...but will eat fruit, carrots, smoothies, etc.
* You can drink out of a sippy cup or a straw

* Sometimes I don't know how much you really eat at meals because you LOVE to feed Addie and throw food to her...she doesn't mind either.  And if we tell you "no" you just smile, giggle and then purposefully do it again :/

* You are pulling up independently, cruising along furniture, standing by yourself for 5 seconds or so, walking with holding our hands and taking 2-3 step/falls towards us.  You look so little still when you are standing up!  And you seem to like to walk on your toes :)

* You are at the explorer state and all my drawers and cupboards get emptied multiple times a day.  You especially like the towel and tupperware drawer or the bathroom drawers!
* You are still a cuddle bug and will cuddle up on me a lot.  You give great hugs and are a stinker if I ask for think it's funny not to give me one!

* You have a handful of words: dada, addie, nigh-nigh, dee dee, all done, uh-oh, up, bye.  You don't consistently say all of them, but you have said them at various times.  Lots of words sound like "dada"
* You are starting to get an opinion when something is taken away or you don't get something you like.  You will cry and shake your fists, but overall these are fairly short and you seem to move on quickly.

* You are very easy going and will let your brothers pick you up, carry you, hug you, wrestle you, etc.  You let them know if you don't like something but you are very sweet to let them play with you like they do!
* You aren't much of a rough houser...YAY!  You like to play, but aren't a huge fan of being tossed in the air or wrestled around.  You like to play with toys, knock over stacks, take things out of boxes, etc.
* You LOVE the stairs...going up and down is your favorite!  You are a master at going up and are really starting to figure our how to go down on your belly.

* Kicking in the bath is still a favorite too.  It's fun because your brothers take a shower and you get the bath all to yourself!

* You are responding to your name, "let's go", "up", "bye bye", "hi", and "all done"

* You just started to point at things or us when you see us
* You seem to really enjoy music and will bob and dance up and down when you hear it.  You also just like to have me hold you while your brothers are dancing around like crazy.

* You have two bottom teeth, 2 1/2 top teeth, and are getting a couple more
* Your hair on top is getting long enough for a short pony tail or a barrette!

* You are transitioning to 12 month clothes and are in size 3 diapers
* I'm guessing you weigh about 16-17 lbs???

* Your brothers transitioned to a bigger carseat facing forward at year, but you are so petite still we are going to hold off on that for awhile!  Plus, you don't seem to mind at all being backwards!
Can't believe we are counting down the days until you are 1!