Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nap Time

This has become Landon's new favorite way to nap.

He L.O.V.E's sleeping on his stomach.

Don't worry....

I only let him nap like that during the day when I can check on him often enough to know that he is still breathing :)

Leave me alone...I'm trying to sleep!!!


Shannon said...

He is mighty precious! I remember Micah always wanting to sleep on his tummy too, but I was freaked out about it...it's a big relief when they start rolling over themselves and you know they are strong enough to get in both positions on their own. I don't blame them though...I would hate it if I could only sleep on my back!!

Allikaye's Mama said...

I love love those pictures! Oh how sweet it is when his hand is up by his face! Allikaye liked to sleep on her tummy too! LOVE YOU!

Annie Searcy said...

He looks so grown up Rhonda! Oh my what a cutie! Can't wait to see you and little Landon this week!

Kathy said...

Ohhhh, how Grandma misses him. He is so sweet and precious. Loves and kisses.

anne said...

When did he get all chunkers on us? What a cutie pie! I love seeing them lay like that all Anne Geddes style!