Wednesday, April 7, 2010

1 Month Old

* This is a little late, as he was a month old on Saturday*

It's hard to believe that you are actually 1 month old. It has been so fun watching you grow. Here's what you are up to these days:
* You have transitioned to your crib at 3 weeks old and sleep about 2 1/2 to 3 hours at a time
* You are a hearty eater and definitely let us know when you are hungry (you typically eat about 2 1/2 oz. at each feeding)
* After you eat during the day you are usually awake for about 45 minutes to an hour before you go to sleep again
* You like to sleep in your swing during the day
* You are wearing size 1 in diapers and are pretty much out of most of your newborn clothes (hard to believe since you were sooo little when we brought you home)
* You are focusing more on things and I love it when you look up at me
* You are beginning to track things, especially lights or really bright pictures/toys
* Your favorite faces to make are smiling (not quite intentional yet) and a little "oh" face where you pucker your lips
* You have some of your daddy's facial expressions, especially when you raise and wrinkle your brow
* You love to be cuddled and wrapped up warm in a blanket (this is your favorite way to fall asleep on our chest)
* You are beginning to grasp things and your favorite things to hold onto are blankets, clothing, hair and fingers
* You have a strong neck and try to lift your head up when you are on your tummy
* You can move your head from side to side when you are angled on your back
* You have decided that you hate being swaddled and become VERY angry when we try
* You have found your "voice" and are very loud when you are going to sleep, waking up or after eating (grunting, groaning, moaning, screaming, squealing, etc.)
* So far you haven't lost any of your brown hair and your eyes are still blue
* You now weigh 9lbs 4 oz and are 22 inches long

What a joy you are to your dad and me. We are so thankful that the Lord brought you into our lives and blessed us with you as a son!

*More pictures to come from his 1 month "photo shoot"*


Allikaye's Mama said...

Ah! Look at that smile!!!! Gorgeous!!!!!

Allikaye's Mama said...

Just blogged about the Landon crafts! And I stole that smile picture!! I love it!

Amy said...

So cuuuuute!! So happy for you Rhonda!!! :)

Kathy said...

I can hardly wait to hold my grandson. What a cutie. You are sooooo loved.

Unknown said...

I wish I could give Landon a hug. He is precious and I love his smile. :)
Love, Auntie Holly

Kate said...

congrats (a little late) He is adorable! Hope you are doing well!

Amy Blue said...

So handsome!!!! Love it!

Shannon said...

He is a living doll. So sweet, and that SMILE is too PRECIOUS! Good idea writing down all his will be so fun/crazy to look back at them as he get's older. You won't believe how fast they change!