Monday, May 3, 2010

2 Months Old

It seems like we just hit the 1 month mark and now I am already posting about 2 months! Hopefully I can keep up on monthly posts, mostly because I think it is fun to reflect on the new things that Landon can do and have those memories. We also had his 2 month appointment yesterday when he got his vaccinations :(
The doctor said he is doing really well and right on target developmentally, woo hoo!

This isn't the best of pictures but it is the only recent one I had!
Plus it shows how much he LOVES his changing table!
He is always happy when his diaper is getting changed!

* You have started to sleep longer at night and usually give me a 4-5 hour stretch at first, followed by a 3 hours stretch and then a 2 hour stretch
(One night last week you slept for 6 hours from 9-3!)

* You have fallen into somewhat of a routine taking a longer nap during the morning and in the afternoon, with little cat naps here and there. By about 8:45 you are always ready for bed

* Your favorite sleep position is now your tummy, which I let you nap on at least once a day. You also love sleeping on your side with your hands up in your face.

* You eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day and take about 3-4 oz.

* You are wearing size 2 diapers and wear 3 month clothes

* You are definitely smiling purposefully and seem like you are attempting to laugh when something really tickles you

* You respond to voices and love being talked to (especially on your changing table)

* You are cooing much more, I love talking back and forth with you carrying on our own conversation!

* You are still a little cuddle bug and love to be held tight on our chest, especially when falling asleep

* You get VERY grumpy right before you go down for a nap or bed

* Although you are still a bit of a bobble head, your neck is much stronger and you can support your head when we support your body. You can also move your head back and forth whether on your back or belly.

* You like being read to and looking at the bright pictures in books

* You also like listening to music, kicking your legs or waving your arms when lying on your back

* You weigh 12 lbs 9 1/2 oz (90th percentile) and are 24 1/2 inches long (75th percentile)

What a blessing you continue to be day by day!


Kathy said...

Grandpa & Grandma love, love, love this little guy. Obviously we wish we could be there but at least we get updates and see how our wonderful our grandson is doing. Can't wait to be there in June.

Melissa said...

so fun to see all the changes through your blog as he grows!!

Happy Mothers day!!

Shannon said...

That's a super cute outfit he's wearing! 2 months!? Where is the time going???

Allikaye's Mama said...

I don't know why I am just seeing this post...but I love it! So sweet! And that outfit!!! Yay! I love seeing him in those! Makes me smile!