There hasn't been a whole lot going on lately...hence the lack of new posts.
I know that my family loves seeing new pics of Landon so here are some of my favorite outfits he has.
I'm sad though because he is getting so big that some aren't going to fit him much longer :(
These are some of my favorite jammies on him...they even have little monkey feet!
I loved the guitars since Jared plays the guitar.
One of the first warm days of the year, we busted out the shorts
(Thanks Shannon for the hand-me-down)
Easter outfit...he also had on the cutest brown cords
Also, one of the best family photos to date!
Rocking the BSU gear with dad.
I know this won't be the last time, especially once Fall rolls around (the fan was right above him and was much more interesting than the camera!)
This is probably my all time favorite outfit so far!
I know that little girls have dresses, tights and other cute clothes, but so far Landon has been fun to dress!
He just needs to stop growing so fast so that I can get more use out of his clothes!!!