When we decided to stay in this house, we made a "wish list" of things that we would like to update or fix. The list is really extensive and some things will probably never happen; however, we both listed our top 3 items for things we would like to do first. Number 1 on both of our lists was a new refrigerator (new carpet would have been number 1 on my list, but since that was already done, a refrigerator became number 1). This may not sound very exciting, but both of us have wanted a bigger, nicer fridge for a long time. Our refrigerator and freezer was always STUFFED. People came over to the house and comment on how much food we had, but the reality is we didn't have a lot of food, our fridge was just tiny. We could never buy much frozen food or goodies because our freezer was always full (it was sometimes hard to get the door closed). I have wanted to make and freeze meals for awhile now, but that hasn't been an option. Anyway...we now have a new refrigerator and it is REALLY big. We put our old one in the garage, so now we have all the room we could ever want. I honestly can't imagine ever filling both at this point because we have so much room now. Here are some before and afters, with basically the same amount of food (I did go through and throw away some expired salad dressings, but besides that, everything is the same).
Before #1
We had room on both sides of the fridge and room up above that I used for storage.
As you can see there is absolutely no extra room on either side or above. I think we have about an inch clearance. I know it looks big, but it doesn't really look that out of place, and it doesn't stick out any farther than our old fridge.
Here is our fridge and freezer full of food. I tried to organize it but after awhile it looked stuffed no matter what I did.
Here it is and I love it!
There is actually still a ton of room and everything is easy to reach and see. I love having the refrigerator on top and there is a built in filtered water spout on the side, so we will always have cold water. The freezer is big and holds a lot of big bags of food. I already went to Costco and bought some frozen fruit in bulk (for smoothies) and some meat.
Here is our old fridge, in the garage, all clean and almost empty.
We are excited to continue making our "wish list" a reality! It is so fun to get new things and to make our house nicer to live in!!!
I could hear angels singing when I looked at the after picture! Yay for Rhonda-organization!
Wow, it sure will be nice when we're out we can buy things knowing you'll have room in the frig or freezer. Looks great, very happy for you both. Dad said he's a little jealous so he'll be in prayer over that.
Nice Fridge!!
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