Tuesday, January 22, 2013

8 Months Old (and a couple side notes)

Crazily enough, our little baby keeps getting older despite us asking him to slow down growing up!  
Another month has passed and Blake is thriving, growing and showing up more and more of his little (often big) personality!

* Nights seems to be pretty much the same.  You are sleeping on average about 12 hours a night and either wake up once around 5 or 6 in the morning or not at all. 

* You are still sleeping downstairs in the office, but we are probably going to move you upstairs to the nursery in the next couple of weeks! 

*  Naps are more consistent as well.  You nap around 10:30ish in the morning and around 2:30ish in the afternoon.  Naps range from 45 minutes to 2 hours.

* Biggest breakthrough this month has been in your eating!  You have finally decided that you love it and you will let me feed you again with a spoon AND you will eat purees again!

*  You will eat a variety of food and still seem to like veggies more than fruit (but you do L.O.V.E bananas)

* You are very good at self feeding yourself.  You like feeding yourself puffs, mum mums, peas and bananas.

*  You still nurse frequently throughout the day.  You get VERY distracted while nursing if there is anyone or anything around!

* You are eating 3 meals a day of solid food

* You still only have 2 bottom teeth, but are starting to drool and gnaw on things a lot so maybe a couple teeth are ready to pop through.

* Your personality is really shining through.  Mostly sweet with a demanding side at times.  If someone takes something away from you that you want you get VERY angry/sad and have had a full on meltdown with heartbreaking tears. You also don't like to be alone and let us know how much you don't like it if we leave the room without you.

* You love to laugh and get very tickled at things your brother does.

* You are also really ticklish and have the cutest giggle.

* You are babbling quite a bit and experimenting with different sounds.  You also get quite fascinated with your tongue and like sticking it in and out.  Recently you have started blowing air out which is super cute!

* You also like to growl like a bear!

* You are definitely not crawling, but can roll and scoot yourself to different places.  You easily roll back to belly and belly to back.  You get yourself stuck in really weird places at times!

* You like to sit up and play with toys.  You can get from sitting to laying, but not vice versa yet.

* You weigh right around 18 lbs.

* You are wearing 6-9 months clothing and size 3 diapers

On another note this toddler is potty training!
For the most part he is doing well but there are still hard days.
This mama can officially say "I REALLY don't like potty training"
Say a prayer for us if you think about it!

Finally, we have had the coldest weather this winter!
I don't think we have been above 20 degrees over the last 2 weeks and it is brutally cold!
Last week though we had a morning of frosty white trees and it was BEAUTIFUL!
I have never seen anything quite like that and was in awe of the beauty the Lord displays in His creation!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

We cannot wait to see our two awesome grandsons. Hurry up March.