Tuesday, January 8, 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

A couple weeks late...but here's my 2012 Christmas post!

We went to Oregon again for Christmas and had a jammed packed week full of fun, laughs, family, games, food and presents.  My brother, wife and nephew joined us all week for the festivities.  There were a total of 9 of us at my parents house.  Jared and I slept in one of the guest rooms, Blake slept in our closet, my nephew slept in the other guest room, my brother and sister-in-law slept in the bonus room and Landon slept in my parents closet! We made it work, but I think all of us were excited to get back to our own beds!
I'm not fully convinced that Landon really knew when Christmas was because we celebrated 4 times with him (my parents at Thanksgiving, just us, Jared's side of the family and in Oregon).  Since we flew, space was limited with what we could take out and bring back, so Landon had a Christmas month not just Christmas day!  I don't think he minded too much!
I did a horrible job of taking pictures of my family while we were there.  I got lots of pictures with the boys and my grandparents, but that's about it :(

Here's a wrap up of our week...photo style!

All the loot waiting to be opened!

My parents bought all the boys stockings this year with their names...I think they turned out so cute!

Multiple attempts at getting these tree to all look at the camera and smile...
overall FAIL!

You would think two would be easier...not so much!

Christmas morning with Nana

Let the unwrapping begin!
These pics are actually from one of the Christmas's we celebrated here
Landon is very good at the cheesy grin these days!

Blake got in on the action too!

In the end, aren't the bows always the best thing anyway!

Loving all the new construction trucks he got!

Landon enjoyed helping everyone else open their presents too!
A couple of year ago, we decided we would all wear matching PJ's as a family!
It has been really fun...unfortunately, we didn't take any pictures with the whole group this year :(

We got to see a lot of my dad's parents while we were there
Unfortunately due to weather, none of my other grandparents could make it up to see the boys...a HUGE bummer
I seemed to do slightly better getting smiles out of the boys when they were with my grandparents!

I'm beyond grateful that the boys have relationships not only with their grandparents but with their great grandparents...what a treasure!
I think these pictures are just priceless and they make my heart soooo happy!

On one of the days we went to a Science/Discovery type place.
Landon really seemed to like it and it was a fun way to spend the morning!

Bubbles are ALWAYS the best!
Giant bubble you can stand in!

Blowing super big bubbles

Daddy and Landon

Funky mirror!

A pulley chair...Landon thought we was super high!

My brother and nephew!
(major Oregon duck fans as you can tell!)

What a fun week we had!  It is always the time of year I know I will be able to see most of my side of the family (including aunts, uncles and cousins) and I absolutely love it, look forward to it and treasure every moment of it!  

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