Wednesday, February 18, 2015

One Month Old!

Our sweet little girl is one month old already!  
It has gone both fast and slow!  Fast in that a month has passed so quickly but not so fast getting up throughout the night! 
Both Jared and I still feel in awe and disbelief at times that we have a little girl!  It still feels surreal to see pink, purple, and all things girly around our house...but we LOVE it!
Here is what Miss Oakley is up to these days!
* You are still in the pack n' play by our bed but you are the quietest sleeper!  You make absolutely no sounds while sleeping unless you are waking up...then you grunt and groan like a grown up man!

* You typically sleep about 3-4 hours for your first stretch and then about 2-2 1/2 hours after that
* You don't really go to sleep for the night until about 10-11:00, but then I am only waking up about 2 times a night with you.
* You sleep a lot during the day take at least one monster nap during the day and then little catnaps at different times.
* You are not on a real schedule yet (not that I expect it)
*Typically you eat every 2-3 hours, but you like to cluster feed at night, right before bed.
* You are a great little nurser, we haven't tried a bottle yet
* You like to sleep best on your side or on our chest (and you still curl up into the cutest little fetal position)
* You are beginning to track things a bit better and are focusing much better when awake and alert
* You like to be swaddled at night and also cuddled up in your blanket
* You have a strong neck and can lift your head up and move it side to side when you are on your tummy (on our chests)
* We haven't given you a pacifier yet, but I'm sure you would love it! I just don't want to have to constantly put it back in your mouth if it falls out :)
* You are wearing size 1 diapers and still fit into newborn clothes, although you do fit in 0-3 month clothes also.
* Unfortunately you have a pretty fussy period at night before bed.  You will usually be awake for 2-3 hours and you aren't crying but you are fussy, seem uncomfortable, nurse a lot during this time and aren't very happy until you fall asleep for the night. You also get hiccups ALL the time!
* You also don't seem to really know what to do when awake and after about 20 minutes of looking around you want to be held again!
*You haven't had an appointment since 2 weeks but at that time you were 6 lb 9 oz and 19 inches long (yes this is shorter than birth...not sure which one is more accurate)
* You seem to have blue eyes still and you also lost all the hair on the crown of your head!  You look like a balding old man...but are still very cute!
* Your brothers love you and LOVE to hold don't seem to mind when asleep but aren't too keen on them holding you when awake :)

Despite being busy with Oakley, we have had time for fun for these two characters!

What a great life we have!

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