Thursday, November 29, 2012

Halloween and Fall Fun

I am sooo far behind in blogging right now :(  I was doing so good for awhile.  
Hopefully, I can get a little caught up with Halloween, fall and Blake's 6 month post today!

 Halloween was fun this year as Landon really got into it and was excited to dress up and get CANDY!
We decided to do an ode to grandpa and have a postman theme!

 I found the cutest postman costume last year online but it was too big for Landon, this year I couldn't resist and Blake was a good sport to dress up for the theme too :)

Landon had a fun Halloween party in his class that day.  I luckily had a hole in my schedule at work and was able to slip away to join in on the fun!

It was very difficult to take a picture of him in class!

He's in a class full of boys!  Of course...seems to be all we are surrounded with!

A couple of moms were very creative with their Halloween snacks!  The green cookie fingers were a big hit!

I tried to get Trey and Landon to pose together...this is the best I could get!

We also went over to some friends house the weekend before Halloween and decorated pumpkins.  We had 3 crazy toddlers running around while daddy's did most of the carving!  We also, had two sweet little babies that joined in the fun (although no pics were taken of Blake and Brooklyn)

These pictures make it look like the little guys really got involved in carving...really their interest lasted about five minutes before they were off playing!

Unfortunately I don't have any pics of the final pumpkins either :(

I will admit that Halloween was a bit stressful and crazy.  Since it was on a Wednesday, I worked and then tried to hurry home to get everyone ready to go trick-or-treating.  We were going over to some friends' house to eat dinner, go trick-or-treating with all of Landon's buddies and then go to our church harvest party.  I got home about 5:00 and found out that both Landon and Blake hadn't taken an afternoon nap :(  We hurried to get everyone ready and out the door, as we were already very late! Both Landon and Blake fell asleep on the way to our friends' house, so we let them take about a 20 minute catnap.  Then it was shove dinner into Landon's mouth while we trick-or-treated!  Crazy night, but lots of fun! Landon was very hesitant to trick-or-treat at first and didn't want to leave our side, but he got more in the spirit of it as the night went on.  He also had a great time at our church harvest party.  He LOVES going to church and it makes us so thankful that he is comfortable there and excited to go!

Somehow, I had a smart moment on Tuesday and decided to dress the boys up and take early Halloween thankful I did because I got some really cute one and there's no way we would have gotten cute pics on Halloween with two no-nap, emotional boys!

Ready to ship off to Grandpa and Grandma's house!

Fragile...handle with care!

Ready to deliver the mail

Blake looks like he was miserable in these pics..he really wasn't, I just couldn't get them to smile at the same time!

On the way to church with trick-or-treating loot!

We have had other fall fun too:

Raking leaves!

Lazy mornings playing in pj's

Making cookies

Doing cookie dances!

Decorating gingerbread men


Perfecting our bike riding

Landon is a pro on his bike now and can even ride it clear down to the playground!
Unfortunately he says he is "too tired" to ride home, so mom ends up carrying it home most of the time!

Learning how to roll and enjoying tummy time

Bundled up walks to the playground

And lots and lots of playing!

We are very excited for Christmas around here!
Hopefully, I can get a few more posts up before then about Thanksgiving and having a fun and loving 6 month old!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Love those grandsons of ours. Christmas, with everyone here, will be fun, busy, and probably exhausting but so looking forward to it!