Friday, November 30, 2012

6 Months Old

Can you believe it?!?!?  My baby boy is already 6 months old, a half a year!  So fun, so crazy, and a teeny bit sad!  It seems like he has changed a ton in the last month.  He's grown a lot, developed a lot and begun to express himself with his own little personality!  Jared just said last night that he feels like Blake has really grown up a lot over the last couple weeks, I totally agree.

Here is what you are up to these days:

* Sleeping is still going good!  
So thankful because your brother decided to become a very poor sleeper around this time.  You are consistently sleeping from about 7:30/8:00 until 5:00-6:00, eat and then go back down for 2-3 hours.  

* Naps vary from 2-3 a day, usually around 10:00 and 1:30/2:00.  If your second nap isn't very long you will want another nap before bedtime.  You nap anywhere from 45 minutes to 2-3 hours (completely variable based on the day).

* You JUST stop being swaddled, as in 2 days ago.  So technically at your official 6 month mark you were still loving the swaddle to sleep :)  You are sleeping well without it and we have transitioned to sleep sacks, since you tend to flail a lot and uncover yourself or get all tangled up in blankets!

* Another huge milestone is being able to find your own pacifier and get it in your mouth!  I throw as many of those suckers in your crib as I can find (usually 4-6) and hope that you will be able to round one up if you need it while far, so good!

*  You are still sleeping on your back primarily but will occasionally roll to your side since you aren't swaddled anymore. 

* No teeth yet, but I am predicting they will come in any day (although, I have thought that since 4 months, so who knows).  You drool a lot, chew on things a lot, bite things a lot (pacifier), have swollen gums, and show all the signs, so we will see!  I kind of like that you still have your gummy smile though!

* You have stretched your eating out to about every 3 hours or so

*  You get solids twice a day...once at lunch and once at dinner.  I think you may be somewhat of a picky eater.  So far you have had rice cereal, apple sauce, pear sauce, banana, pumpkin, various winter squashes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, and carrots.  Fruits are a huge dislike right now and actually have made you throw up a couple times (which makes me think your digestive system is a little sensitive still).  You were also not a fan of parsnips, but everything else seems to be a hit.

*  I am making your baby food, which proves that the first baby doesn't always get the most love and attention (Landon didn't get homemade food)!

*  You technically weren't rolling on your 6-month birthday, but you are now! This past Sunday night (11/25), you officially started rolling from back to belly and vice versa!  You are still pretty content with whichever side you are put on.

* You can sit up by yourself if propped and your overall core strength has really gotten a lot better in the last couple of weeks.  You need definite supervision though as you topple over frequently!

* You grab everything, in any direction and immediately shove it in your mouth!  You also get a little angry if someone (meaning your brother) take something that you were playing with.

* You still like to be part of the group and not be left alone.

* You tend to throw you arms back a lot when being held and it makes it look like you are trying to fly!

* You are usually all smiles for anyone that pays attention to you and have the cutest giggles and squeals.

* You have begun to laugh at things (other than people) that tickle you...which usually involves Addie

* Things you LOVE: your mommy (for good reason :), your baths (kicking, splashing, laughing) and when your daddy plays his guitar (you kick so hard...super cute)

* You are still fascinated with your brother, although, the bigger you get the rougher he thinks he can be...but you guys still seem to have a good "relationship"

* You are babbling a variety of vowels, haven't really heard any consonants yet (maybe an occasional /m/)

* You can scream super loud still (both in delight and anger :)

* You do not like to be overly tired or overly hungry and can take awhile to calm down if this happens

* You are in size 3 diapers and 6 month clothes

* At your 6-month appointment you weighed 16lb 5oz (30th percentile), 26 1/4 inches (40th percentile) and head circumference was 44 1/2 cm (70th percentile)

* Eyes are still a hazelish color and hair is still brown

How can you not instantly fall in love with this cutie!?!?

1 comment:

Kathy said...

We are sooo in love with this cutie, Blake!!!!