Tuesday, October 30, 2012

5 Months

This post comes 10 days late of Blake's actual 5 month birthday...but I'm determined to have it up at least in October!

Blake is growing and changing and still sweet as can be.  He had his first plane ride this month and did great for the most part...despite a scream fest on take off coming home that lasted about 10 minutes.

Here's what is going on in Blake world these days:

* Still doing good in the sleeping realm.  Bed time about 7:30 and then you wake up about 5:00-6:00 to eat and then sleep another 2-3 hours.  Sometimes you will wake up in the middle of the night or 3 hours after you fall asleep, but all you need is your pacifier and you are good to go until early morning.

* You love your pacifier.  So far you haven't gotten addicted to it at night if it falls out.  You definitely like to have it when fussy or tired and almost always need it to fall asleep for naps or bedtime.

*  You still sleep best swaddled up tight and are still sleeping in the office.  I am lazy when it comes to hiking the stairs in the middle of the night and this way I don't have to worry about you waking Landon up!

* You are a little inconsistent in naps, sometimes taking a really long afternoon nap (2-3 hours) and sometimes taking a quick nap of about 45-60 minutes.  A lot of times you will go back to sleep if I just put your pacifier back in after you wake up.  You seem to have dropped your evening snooze and really only nap in the morning and afternoon.  Sometimes you are awake for 4-4 1/2 hours after your last nap until bedtime.

*  You are super aware of your surroundings and like to be where the action is...no leaving you out of the fun!

* You seem to think your brother is hot stuff and giggle at him all the time.  Usually when I think he is being way too rough (like lifting your head, rolling you over, patting your tummy or trying to lay on you) you think it is so much fun.  I think he likes making you laugh and smile too!

*  You have yet to roll from back to tummy and don't roll from tummy to back very often.  You seem to be content with whatever position we put you in.  You will usually go from back to side and then flip to your back again!

* You are really playing with toys...reaching, grabbing and putting them in your mouth

*  No teeth yet...but I keep thinking you will get them any day!

*  You like to be propped sitting up or help standing up and are getting very strong

*  You had your first tastes of solid food and really seem to enjoy it.  There are moments of gagging, but overall you have a big smile while eating and keep opening your mouth for more.

*  You still nurse frequently, usually about every 2 hours

*  You have only had rice cereal with applesauce and I usually feed you every evening before we eat our dinner

* You still seem to think your feet are pretty fun and a great toy

* You like to sit in your bouncy chair and watch me make food or clean up the kitchen

* You also like playing in your activity gym reaching for the hanging toys

*  You seem to have taken after your brother in having a SUPER loud, high pitch scream...I think he did it more, but you can definitely rival him in that department!

*  You are such a cute and smiley little guy when talked to and played with and you can track our voices across the room

*  You really seem to enjoy baths and like to kick, kick, kick and splash, splash, splash

*  You get VERY angry when overly tired and seem to have a sweet spot where this is concerned...you can also be quite demanding for milk when this happens

*  On the other hand you are SOOO happy when you first wake up and sit in your crib chirping and squealing until we come and get you

* You haven't gained a ton of weight over the last month...based on our scale you weigh 15.6 lbs
(I have been slightly worried about this and has been a good thing to give to the Lord on a continual basis, you seem healthy and big and are happy so I assume you are getting enough to eat)!

*  You are in size 3-6 month clothes (although some 6 month fits you too)

* You are transitioning from size 2 to 3 diapers

It should go without saying but you are a true joy in our life and such a pleasure to raise and watch grow!  We love you!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

So cute!! He looks VERY healthy to me!!! Looks like he is progressing perfectly! Luke would be jealous, he's only gotten rice cereal and we just barely started veggies, I'm sure he'd MUCH rather have applesauce. ;)