Monday, October 8, 2012


My parents were just out to visit us for a week and we had a jam packed, great time!  We spent lots of time playing at home, taking walks, going to the park, going to the aquarium and going to the pumpkin patch!  I think everyone was exhausted by the end of the week but Landon and Blake really love their Nana and Grandpa.  

Nana thought Landon should eat his snack in a tree at the park!  Made me VERY nervous!  I have no doubt that we will have a broken bone or stitches in the future, but I wasn't ready for it to be on that day :) Landon loved it though...I'm sure he felt like a very big boy!

Towards the beginning of the week we decided to go to the aquarium!  Landon was a bit unsure of parts of the aquarium in San Diego, so I was curious how he would do 7 months later.  He still wasn't a fan of anything that required touching fish but was happy to look at them and throw food at them!  We also got a couple of huge shutters out of him when he got close to the sharks, octopus and big iguana! The ONLY think he actually wanted to touch was the jellyfish (the one thing we couldn't touch) because he wanted to "pop" them! Blake was a trooper, as usual, and I think he enjoyed looking at the fish too!

 Feeding the fish in the big aquarium!  No touching for this little guy, but he did like throwing the food!

Hanging out with Nana and Grandpa
Blake always looks slightly confused in pictures...I've gotten a couple smiles out of him, but he always seems to have these faces in most of them!


Landon has started doing the cheesiest smiles when we ask him to smile for the camera!  Makes me laugh every time at his attempts!

Mesmerized by the jellyfish and very disappointed when he realized we weren't allowed to "pop" them!

Watching the puffins play with sticks in the water

Tried to take some Little Mermaid pictures...not the most photogenic pictures of either boys!

Landon thought it was pretty fun finding the fish that looked like Nemo...although, even Nemo wasn't safe enough to touch or feed!

Nana offered to buy him a souvenir when we were leaving, but he was happy with M&M's instead!
Later in the week we went to the pumpkin patch and had a great time, pictures to come soon!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

What a wonderful time we had with our grandsons, so fun and so tiring.