Thursday, July 8, 2010

4 Months Old

Time continues to fly by as Landon hit another month milestone. He has changed so much in just 1 month and it is fun to see how much more aware, alert and interactive he is.
This has also been a big month of firsts...first plane ride, first wedding, first time he laughed at Addie, first teeth cutting through, and first time he grabbed a toy on his own.

(This definitely isn't the best picture, but the only recent one I had)

* You are sleeping around 8-9 hours at night (sometimes you will hit 10 hours)

* You usually go to bed between 8:00 and 9:00 (sometimes you will wake up within an hour to eat one more time before being out for the night)

* Naps are much more variable during the day and we are still working on a daytime routine

* You are much stronger on your tummy and can do mini push-ups as you look around at the world

* You can lock your legs to a standing position if we are supporting you

* You can keep your head at midline and look around in every direction (you still need some support when sitting up)

* You are trying to roll over but haven't quite figured out how, although you can get from your side to your back and vice versa and sometimes from your side to your tummy

* You continue to be a big eater and still like to eat every couple of hours during the day

* You are cutting your first two bottom teeth and drooling like a maniac

* Your laugh is becoming more "normal" and the cutest things seem to crack you up

* You love to scream in delight and have the highest pitch squeal

* You are babbling much more and like to talk back and forth even more now

* You can track us across the room and like to watch every move we make

* You are able to reach out and grasp things with both hands (you usually attempt to put whatever you have in your mouth)

* You love laying on your back in your play gym, listening to music, looking in the mirror and grabbing the hanging toys

* You wear size 3-6 months and size 2 diapers

* You weigh 15 lbs 8 1/2 oz. (75th percentile) and are 27 inches long (97th percentile)

* You continue to have a great personality and enjoy all the attention you can get, although you can be quite demanding and have figured out how to work the system by crying :)

What a sweet baby boy and an incredible blessing you continue to be!


Libby Lu said...

thanks for the update, rhonda! he's so cute =)

Shannon said...

What a sweetie.