Monday, September 7, 2009

Double Post Monday

I thought I would get crazy today and post twice. It is hard for me to post during the week because of my work schedule and I really needed to do a baby update! I have officially entered my second trimester (week 14) and I feel great! I have had no sickness and the biggest complaint I have is that of tiredness when the weekend roles around. I'm not showing much but I feel like I am in an in between stage. My regular clothes are getting slightly tight and uncomfortable but maternity isn't a good match yet. Jared went shopping with me yesterday and despite my poopy mood, because nothing fit quite right, he made me persevere and find some clothes that work for my changing body! It has been a bit difficult for me to watch my waist disappear and my mid-section expand!
Here are the pictures we've taken so far week-to-week:

Week 9

Week 10

Week 12

Week 14

And in case there was any question whether or not my mom was excited about becoming a grandma here are the gifts we have received so far:

Besides two of the books, a blanket and the cute little bear outfit up front (we got these from my brother-in-law and was really sweet!), my mom bought everything you see here the weekend they were out here in July! Since then she has added burp cloths and another pair of pajamas to the loot! My dad keeps telling her that she needs to slow down because she has until March, but she can't help her enthusiasm! I was informed that she wanders through the baby section everytime she goes to Target "just in case" there is something on sale she can't resist!

My next doctors appointment is in a couple of weeks. We both feel like the time has gone fast so far and once the holidays hit we know the time will zip by. We have started looking at baby furniture and trying to figure out what we want to do in the room. Hopefully things continue to go along smoothly and without complication!


Amy Blue said...

You look soooo cute! Love the cute prego pics.

Kathy said...

I found another Winnie the Pooh sleeper outfit in Target (on clearance) this weekend. I'll be getting it to you soon. I am VERY excited and love the pictures.

Melissa said...

ah! You look great!!! love the update.
And so fun to be getting all the baby stuff!! Yeay for Grandmas!

Allikaye's Mama said...

Yay! I don't know why I am just seeing these posts - but better late than never!
You need to pick a shirt and do all your monthly pictures in the same shirt! Like my flower tank kept growing and growing!!
Love you!

Libby Lu said...

i agree with the same shirt! that was fun stalking her when she was prego. and just a suggestion- don't do black, it's hard to see online. i'm so excited for you!! and it's funny that we were talking about you and jared being d.i.n.k.'s at dilly's wedding... cuz that is no longer the case!!! wahahah
love you =)