Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It has been a long time since I've posted anything! I feel like time has completely gotten away from me and weeks seem to be zipping by. Jared and I spent the weekend sick with a really bad cold and I am still trying to recover.

Over the last couple of days I have really been struggling with my first big decision as a "parent". We had a doctor's appointment last Friday and the recommendation was for pregnant women to get vaccinated with both the regular flu vaccine and the swine flu vaccine. I didn't think much of it at the time, but yesterday I started getting really anxious at the thought of getting vaccinated. Everyday I am faced with children who have various disorders, delays or disabilities. Some have been due to various situations or medications during birth or delivery...some aren't. I feel like this does make me a bit more paranoid than the average person, but I can't help but question whether or not I should subject myself to these vaccinations, even if my doctor says it is okay. Yesterday, one of my patients, who had been gone for 2 weeks, came to see me and after the session his mom told me that his baby sister had the swine flu and that's why they weren't at therapy. I called my doctor and she prescribed me a medicine that is recommended for people who have been in contact with someone who has had the swine flu. Again...I don't know what to do. In my mind I don't know how there could be enough studies and evidence that shows these new medicines and vaccines are safe for pregnant women...yet I don't want to put myself at an increased risk. Given my profession I am exposed to almost anything and everything that is out there. I truly believe that the Lord is sovereign over all medications, vaccinations and sicknesses...but I do want to make the right decision. I have really been praying that the Lord would give me a peace about what decision to make and that He would calm my anxiousness. Jared and I would both appreciate all prayers and any advice people have.
What to do?!


Kathy said...

You know that both of you are in our prayers about this decision and so many more you will have to make. If there is anymore research or help you need you just need to let us know. Love much, Mom

Allikaye's Mama said...

I think that the flu shot is okay - and I would recommend it. I got one when I was pregnant - my dr recommended it because I was a teacher around sick kids. I am always nervous about newer the swine flu one - I don't think we will get that one. And I heard combined with the reg flu one - it is a lot of mercury! I vaccinate Allikaye with the major ones - but not the newer or fad she didn't get her RSV shot.
I love you so!
All these decisions are wearing...I can empathize!! :0)

Jared said...
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Jared said...

Its also difficult for me specifically as my father was born with a physical birth defect due to medication that my grandmother took during pregnancy... Though I've never thought of as my father being handicapped or limited in anyway, its still something that I can't help thinking about.

Anonymous said...

Rhonda, I have been mulling over the same thing. I am not typically someone to rush and get every vaccination they recommend or to be paranoid about the stuff that's going around at any given time, but when you're pregnant, you are ultra-concerned for someone else's well-being and it's hard. I still haven't made a decision about the swine flu shot as the most I can find out says: "doctors recommend all pregnant women get vaccinated despite the effects it may have on the fetus." That just doesn't sound good to me at all, but of course, neither does getting extremely ill. I know that God will give us both wisdom. I'll pray for your decision, whatever it is.

Brett said...

Rhonda, and Jared. I will be praying for God's grace and guidance. This is a tough decision, and I think it already proves you guys are going to be amazing parents b/c you want what's absolutely best for your baby and you're not jumping into anything. My two cents: they just don't have enough information on the swine flu vaccine & how it would affect your unborn child. I'm not one to take chances with that type of stuff and IF I were pregnant I wouldn't feel comfortable exposing my fetus to a drug that hasn't been tested. I would just follow your heart, you are the parents and know what's best for your baby. Follow YOUR gut, pray about it, and do what you think is best. The cool thing...God already knows every little detail about your baby. He is in control. Run to him with with all your concerns. He loves baby Smith more than you do, and will protect him/her! Love you guys! P.S Have you heard about the pregnant women in Washington who got the swine flu? It's big news. That might help you make a decision on also.

Brett said...

That was from Shannon, not Brett. ;)

nate said...

What a difficult decision. I agree with many of the sentiments already here - especially prayer, careful consideration, and trusting God's sovereign plan. He does have a plan here, and indeed, is not surprised by any of this, which is encouraging to me.

Ultimately, this is a decision that you guys need to make, so my opinion matters very little, but since you asked, here are my thoughts.

In the small amount of research I've done, credible resources seem to consider it significantly less risky to get the vaccine than the potential negative effects of contracting the disease (especially as a pregnant woman). I found it interesting to consider the fact that the flu shot administered every year is new, based on strains currently in circulation or expected to come, so in that sense, the risk is the same as an annual flu shot.

I suppose I just see vaccines as much less risky than something like thalidomide, since their usage has been much more widespread and documented, and due to the fact that tragedies like that of thalidomide have put this issue at the forefront of those testing and approving these drugs.

The fact that the CDC and the WHO recommend it makes me somewhat more comfortable, as well. I think this article was the most informative that I read.

But ultimately, God has you in his loving hand, and will allow nothing outside of his will to happen to either you, Jared, or the baby. This is a decision that he will lead you in as you follow him. I'm truly sorry for the difficulty of it. We'll try to be faithful in praying for you guys.

nate said...

Sorry to spam, but I forgot to include two other links, with some additional information on the issue (and both of which you've probably already read).