Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Carpet and Ramdom Thoughts

I have come to realize that new carpet is amazing and can only wonder "why didn't we do this sooner"!!! Yesterday we had carpet installed and I am loving it. Our house smells new, everything is clean and almost every room has been decluttered! Although it has been a lot of work, it feels really refreshing to have a house that is organized and tidy! I admit that I can be slightly OCD about cleaning and clutter, but I think it is important in life to simplify. We are still uncertain about whether or not we will buy a new house, but it has been nice to go through and get rid of things that we no longer use or need.
Life has been hitting us lately and I have to remind myself daily of the love and blessing the Lord has bestowed upon us. Jared survived a second round of layoffs yesterday and both of us were overwhelmed once again by the Lord's provision when we are so undeserving. Our cute black puppy is going through a lot of health issues that are all pointing to cancer (that is another post for another day), and I have to daily rely on the Lord for comfort and guidance. Overall, life has been overwhelming, but I couldn't imagine going through it without the Lord by my side. I know that He is my source of comfort, provision and strength, without Him I would be a mess and a wreck. I am so thankful to be one of His children!
I meant for this to be a post about here are some before and after pictures! I was slightly embarrassed of the condition of our old carpet...I really did try hard to keep it clean (I don't think these pictures show just how dirty it was)!! Lucy is a little confused about what is going on, since our house was basically empty, so she is pouting a little in the "before" pictures.

Living Room #1 (Before)

Living Room #2 (Before)

Gross Stains and Tears from Lucy Running Hot Circles

Hallway (Before)

Living Room #1 (After)

Living Room #2 (After)

Kitchen/Hallway (After)

Hallway (After)

A lot of work but well worth it! Hopefully the pictures do justice to show the HUGE difference!

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