Tuesday, October 27, 2015

9 Months Old!

I did so good the past couple of months to get Oakley's monthly post up, but I am almost 2 weeks behind at 9 months!  She has CHANGED in the last month.  She is moving and shaking and getting a personality that is all her own!
Here is what you are up to these days!

* You continue to rock the sleeping thing! Nothing has changed much at night besides the fact that occasionally you want to get up and party with us for a couple of hours before bed.  This is a rare occasion and I kind of like it when you do because you are soooo cute!

* Naps are down to two a day.  Usually between 10/11:00-12:00/1:00 and then again around 2:00 to 4:00, give or take.  You are putting yourself down to sleep for your nap after nursing.
* You are still so quiet when you wake up.  You just roll around, suck your fingers and play with your little stuffed animals. 

* You are eating good and will take 3 solid meals a day.  You like to feed yourself and love eating what we are eating.  Your favorite thing to eat is smoothies mixed with yogurt.  
*You are also attempting to drink water out of your sippy cup and think you are hot stuff when you get some!

* It is fun to watch you eat and if you really like something you groan and moan the whole time and open up wide when we go to give you something!

* When you are done eating you will start to holler and turn away and let us know that you don't want anymore...then you get really excited when we sign all done!
* You have also learned how to spit things out and if we give you something new you will spit it out first, look at it and then put it back in your mouth!

* You still constantly nurse when you wake up or are going to sleep.

* You still only have your bottom two teeth.
* You are MOVING!  You can go from laying to sitting to crawling and back down again!  You really started crawling the first week of October.  At first it was just to get to me but now you are exploring and getting into all sorts of trouble!

* You put everything into your mouth and I pray on a daily basis you don't choke on something.  You have had legos, rocks, leaves, grass, and acorns in your mouth...crazy girl!
* You are starting to try to pull yourself up to your knees but can't do that consistently

* You have a great sense of humor but it is tricky to get you to laugh.  You smile a lot and will suck in air or stick your fingers in your mouth when you think something is funny.  You also won't laugh or smile at the same thing over and over again...you like to be surprised and want to see something new!
* You are reaching for us consistently, waving hi/bye (when someone else waves at you), clapping, and trying to do patty-cake

* You will give me kisses when I ask for them, which consists of opening your mouth wide and sometimes biting my lip...it is the BEST thing in the world!
* You are talking a lot more! You have a lot of different vowel sounds, can say /d,n,t,m/ and are combining consonants with vowels - mama, dada, nana.  You like to imitate what we are saying and doing.

* You are very into blowing raspberries and making all sorts of sounds with your tongue.
* You LOVE me and your dad and really love your Nana and Grandpa.  You light up when you see someone familiar and can't wait to get to them.  You are a tough sell on anyone new and will cry if they try to take you away from me.

* You are starting to play with your brothers and can seem to handle the rough housing.  You love to chase them in your walker while you are squealing, screaming and laughing!  
* They absolutely love you and still kiss, hug and try to hold you all the time!  They love to make you laugh and smile and you reward them all the time for their efforts!

* Your hair is brown and your eyes are still blue
* You are in 6 month and 9 month clothing and size 2 diapers

* You weigh 15 lbs 7 oz (10th percentile) and are right around 27 inches (39th percentile)

That seem to be it in a nutshell!  I love watching you grow and learn and develop into a little girl.  Your love for me is overwhelming at times and I can't get enough of your cuddles.  You are such a sweetie and an amazing baby!  
It is cute because now that you are mobile both your dad and I feel like we are getting a little better idea of what having 3 kids is like.  It is more work, but the reward of you and who you are far outweighs any extra effort you cause!

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