Sunday, August 23, 2015

7 Months Old

Another month has come and gone and our little girl keeps growing and growing! She has changed a lot over this past month! She is eating much more, rolling much more, cutting teeth and much more interactive! She's at a super fun age!

Here's what to Oakley is up to these days:

* You are sleeping well still, consistently 12-13 hours a night.  There are occasions where you wake up an hour or so after you go to sleep and then you are a little off and stay up late with us before going to bed about 11:00 or so.  Typical bedtime is between 7:30-8:30.  You get up for the day about 9:00 in the morning.
* You are down to 2 naps a day.  Morning nap about 2 hours after you get up and then afternoon nap around 2:00 or so.  You aren't on a super strict schedule for all depends on when you wake up in the morning.
* You have a little harder time falling asleep in public now, but still can in my front pack, so there are days where you just take an afternoon nap instead of 2 naps. 
* You have dropped your evening catnap and sometimes are awake for 4-5 hours in the evening if you wake up from your nap early.
* You are eating really well and have tried a lot of different foods.  For awhile you preferred veggies over fruits, but that has seemed to change.  Some days you scarf solids and other days you aren't as crazy about them.  
* Overall, you usually get anywhere from 2-3 meals a day of solids and then nurse 3-4 times a day
* You just cut your first 2 bottom teeth last week.  Overall you were a trooper and it didn't seem to bother you too much.  I gave you tylenol before bed and you still slept great.  You held your jaw in a weird way and were definitely grinding and putting pressure on your gums.  You may have been a little more clingy to mom and fussed some, but nothing that was horrendous or difficult.
* You are sitting up much better and can move around and reach for things without toppling over.
* For about 3 weeks you would immediately flip over to your belly and then get mad and not flip back to your back.  Now you roll both ways constantly and are very mobile.  You actually rolled off the changing table the other day :(  
I was reaching for a change of clothes and you rolled (threw) yourself at me and I couldn't catch you and you landed right on the cried a little but settled down quickly with cuddles.
* You are trying to "crawl" when you reach for things, but you aren't able to push up on all 4's or push up from laying to sitting yet.
* You are full on sitting in high chairs at restaurants now and love to look around at everything.
* EVERYTHING goes in your mouth and you are getting quite the opinion if something is taken away from you! You will show that you are not happy!
* You are babbling a lot more...lots of vowels and some /y/, /m/ and /h/ sounds.  You like to babble back and forth with us! You still like blowing bubbles and raspberries!
* You light up when you see mommy come into the room or come home and are very attached to me! You seem to be getting some mommy anxiety and want only me to hold you when I'm around!
* You smile a lot (especially at familiar people, your brothers and Addie).  The other day you laughed at Addie when she was panting in front of you!  Both Landon and Blake can get you to giggle too!
* You are ticklish and will anticipate if we start to tickle you!

* Your brothers LOVE you a ton and try to roll over with you, pick you up, give you toys, give you food, play peek-a-boo with you and entertain you quite a bit!
* You are very interested in anything new and will sometimes get "bored" or uninterested in toys that you have seen or been given often. 

* Your hair is still brown and your eyes are still blue
* You are in size 6 month clothing for the most part and size 2 diapers

* According to our scale, you weigh right around 15 lbs!

As much as I wish I could slow down the baby stage a little more, I do love watching you grow and learn! I love how interactive you are now and how much you love being with us and being part of the family!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Our sweet Oakley, what a joy she is!