Tuesday, July 21, 2015

1/2 Year Birthday!

Our sweet Rose is officially 6 months old!  The time as flown and we couldn't be more happy with our family of 5! So far going from 2 to 3 hasn't been a huge adjustment.  It takes more time to get ready and get out of the house...but it was crazy somedays with two kids!  Once she starts moving, I'm sure adjustments and life will get more interesting...I am THANKFUL to keep her still as long as possible!
Here is what you are up to these days:

* You haven't changed much in the sleeping department.  You are falling into more of a routine.  You go to bed about 8-9:00, wake up about 9:00 then next morning.  Take a morning nap around 10:30-11:00.  Sleep for a couple of hours and then take a second nap around 2ish (give or take).  You seem to be dropping your evening catnap. 
* You still like to sleep in your pink sleep sack (that we got from the hospital); although it is getting a little small on you! You like to sleep mostly on your back.

* You still suck your two fingers, but mostly now it is only when you are tired...going to sleep or waking up.  And you will do it if you get excited sometimes when we are playing (super cute)!
* You don't have any teeth yet, but like to chew and mouth everything!

* I have been a little slow in getting you solids!  You have only tried sweet potato, butternut squash, prunes and mum mum snacks.  You did not like prunes...way too sour.  You loved the sweet potato and butternut squash. I need to get on the ball and get you some other foods.  I've only been feeding you once a day in the evenings.
* You are rolling from back to front and front to back. Not super consistently but you can do both ways.

* You are still nursing great - you eat about every 2-3 hours
* You are starting to sit up when we prop you up in a tripod style - you can only stay up on your own for about 5-10 seconds.

* You like to stand up and often times you won't bend your knees or hips so that I can sit you down!
* You love to smile, but laughing is still tricky to get you to do!  You will laugh at something once and then will just smile the next time we do it...stinker! 

* You think patty cake is a super great song to sing and crack up when we throw your hands over your head!
* You grab everything, in any direction and shove it in your mouth...however, you get somewhat bored of the same toys.

* You don't like being left alone still and get especially sad if you see me leave the room

* You are babbling a lot of vowels and I have started to hear /m/.  You squeal and can really get going! You also are blowing raspberries and have found your tongue, sticking it out and playing with sounds a lot!
* You love when we kiss your cheeks and your neck and are so cuddly still!

* You are definitely a momma's girl, and your perfect world would be if you could be held by me or in your front pack on my chest all day!

* You still like your bath, but are a stinker and try to roll over constantly in the tub...you have inhaled water way more than I would like and it freaks me out every time!
* We went to family camp a week ago and you got to be on me almost all day long! You were in heaven...you cat napped when you needed to and just loved being close...so happy to be with mommy!

* At times if I hand you off to someone else or if you are being held by someone else and see me walk by you will start to cry because you want me (I don't mind though)!

* You are smiling a lot at your brothers! Although I think they play a little rough with you (and seem to get more and more physical the bigger you get), you smile and squeal at them all the time! They can really entertain you and my prayer continues to be for a great relationship between the 3 of you.
* You are wearing size 2 diapers and are just getting into 6 month clothes (you still fit 3-6 month clothing)

* You were 13 lbs (5th percentile); 24 1/2 inches (20th percentile); and 41 cm head circumference (50th percentile) at your 6 month appointment
* Your hair is still brown and your eyes are staying blue

Such a sweet girl, even when you are demanding...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my baby girl!

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