Friday, March 6, 2015

Our Sweet 5 Year Old!

We have a 5 year old!!! 
Crazy times! It is true that the days can be long but the years go by so very, very fast!
Landon turned 5 on Tuesday and we had an entire day of celebrating him! 
Jared took off the day which was WONDERFUL! It's always so much fun when daddy gets a weekday off!
We spent the morning at a place called Jump Time with a few of his friends! 
It was the perfect place for a bunch of crazy 4-5 year olds to run and get energy out! 
It was super special this year because my SIL was out with my nephews, so we got to spend Landon's birthday with them too!
Jared's aunt made the cutest and BEST cake!
Landon was super cute and SO excited for his birthday!
He even came into our room at 1:30 in the morning! 
WIDE AWAKE and ready to go!
He was talking about the streamers on his door, the presents in the living room, his birthday party at Jump Time! 
We let him lay in bed with us for a bit and then sent him back to his bed to get some more sleep before his big day!
I have no doubt that he would have been ready to party at 1:30 AM if we had let him!
After Jump Time we went to Chik-Fil-A for lunch and then home for much needed naps!
Then it was off to Fuddruckers for his family birthday party!
His request for his birthday dinner was hamburgers and Fuddruckers was the perfect place :)
Overall, he was very spoiled, very loved and had the best day ever!
Then on Wednesday, I got to go to his class with special treats and spend the second half with him! 
It was fun watching him with his classmates, do show and tell and wear his special birthday crown!

Here is a little of what he is up to these days!

* You are getting so tall and measure 45" and weigh 42 pounds...tall and lean
(At the Dr. when you went in May, you were 44 lbs (75th percentile), 45 1/2 inches tall (80% percentile) and 14.9 BMI (30th percentile)

* You wear size 6 pants (although they have to be majorly cinched) and are getting into 6T shirts

* You are in preschool two days a week and love going and playing with your friends

* You know all of your upper and lower case letters and sounds

* You are beginning to sound out 2-3 letter words and love being read to and looking at books
(I have a feeling if we were more diligent to work with you then you would be reading by now)!

* You learned to ride your bike this summer without training wheels and are riding a much bigger bike now like a champ!

* You have a great sense of humor and try to make up your own jokes all the time

* I love that you are starting to understand sarcasm and other more abstract makes it so fun to joke and play around with you!

* You are such a little adult and can process complex info and carry on very meaningful conversations now, it is also fun to see how you can reason

* You know a lot of Bible stories and remember the things we read about Jesus in our Bible books and the things you learn in Sunday school

* You are able to handle pain much better without totally melting down and are beginning to handle conflict with other kids through reasoning and understanding

* You play well with your brother (most of the time) and are definitely the first born...OCD about some things, rule maker, rule follower, somewhat bossy and like things how you like them

* Your obedience has really improved and you are definitely afraid of consequences, you try hard to please us!

* You love playing outside, climbing trees, digging in dirt, jumping on the tramp, etc. You are also very creative in your make believe's fun to watch and listen to

* You are a perfectionist when it comes to doing things, which is both good and bad! You get VERY frustrated if you can't do something right the first time (baseball, golf, coloring, writing letters, etc.)

* You still love cuddles, hugs, kisses and snuggles in bed

* You love the color green, are very into ninja turtles at the moment, love doing crafts and playing games and are just starting to get into legos

* You will nap when we absolutely make you, otherwise you have given those up (but I still try to get you to rest during the day)

* You are very excited for Kindergarten but said you only wanted to go half day so that you could still spend time at home with me! Makes this mamma's heart happy!!!

* You are a true JOY in our lives and are proving to be a great big brother to Blake and Oakley!

What a sweet, sweet blessing you are! We continue to pray you will love the Lord with all your heart, grow up following Him and commit your life to Him at an early age! 

We thank God for you daily and for the ways in which you love us, challenge us and help us grow as parents!

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