Thursday, July 24, 2014

Summer Happenings

We have had a fun and busy summer so far!  We haven't gone anywhere but we have had lots of fun and have done a lot in our home town! My brother and SIL and sweet nephews came out over the 4th of July for a couple of weeks.

Here's a little recap of what we have been up to...picture style!

Landon had his preschool "graduation" (although he still has one more year of preschool) and was excited to get his certificate!

He is so sweet and I love that he still loves to sit on my lap on cuddle me!

Both boys went to VBS this year and the them was spy academy!
They loved in and Landon decided to dress up as a spy when he got home...the get up was put together entirely on his own :)

Blake didn't dress up, but is still super cute!

We've also spent the summer having lots of park picnics,

going to indoor play places (this one with the trampolines is one of their favorites),

going on walks and finding dirt hills to climb on,

playing inside when it's too hot in the afternoons to be outside,

lots and lots and lots and lots of swimming
(I am soooo thankful for access to my parents neighborhood is amazing to take the boys to and they have both become little fish this summer),

(This is what we did to cool off in summers past when we couldn't go to the pool!)

watching 3D movies and having family movie nights,

helping mom bake and cook breakfast (notice the pile of raw egg spilled all over the counter!),

 and heading to the river to play and throw rocks!!!

We also took the boys bowling for the first time.  We went with our good friends and all of the kids had a BLAST!  All of us adults were a sweaty, exhausted mess by the end of herding the kids and keeping them out of everyone's lanes! Needless to say I didn't get any other pictures besides one with all 4 kids, as blurry as it is!

Have I mentioned that our summer as been jam packed?!?!
No wonder both boys are so tired :)

So thankful for the fun times and happy memories we can create together!

Jared and I have had our share of fun too with different nights out together and with friends!
I went to the One Republic Concert with a couple of friends and also got to watch one of my good friends from high school get married on Lake Powell!

We still have a lot planned for the summer, although I am slightly looking forward to our routine to start again in the Fall :)

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