Saturday, March 17, 2012

2 Years Old!

Guess who's 2...yep, Landon! I can't believe that my teeny tiny, 6lb 14 oz baby is now a walking, talking, running, jumping, climbing 30 lb 2 year old! The last 2 years have been a whirlwind full of changes and fun. My parents were able to come out again for his birthday and we had a good time celebrating with family. Unfortunately, Landon was a bit under the weather all week, but seemed to be in a a great mood on his actual birthday. Since he has been obsessed with the movie "Toys" for awhile we decided to use that for our theme (after I had bought all the decorations, he suddenly got very into the movie "Cars"...but he still seemed to like the giant Buzz balloon and all the other characters that were around the house)!

Have I mentioned how crazy difficult it is to get a picture of him?!? Well, his birthday didn't prove to be any different. We couldn't even get pictures with the grandparents because he didn't want to be held long enough (he's such little stinker sometimes :)

We kept the party small but it was still fun and the perfect celebration for our two year old!

Yummy breakfast donut

Landon got some fun presents, lots of cars and some fun toys to play with outside:

Here's some of the things that he is up to these days:

* You are really beginning to use words to communicate your ideas and can combine words and are beginning to talk in sentences, you love to share what's in your head

* You repeat everything, which is good reminder for everyone who is around you :)

* You know most of your colors and shapes and are learning your ABC's and numbers
(the other day you actually shocked me and every letter or number I pointed to you were able to name without help)

* You LOVE to be read to and look at books

* You can complete simple board puzzles by yourself and seem to really enjoy figuring things out and how they go together or work

* You are a bit obsessed with cars and love to take some to bed or naps with you

* You love to wrestle, climb, jump, run, play and rough other words you are definitely a 2-year old boy!

* Addie remains your best play just think she is the greatest and she lovingly puts up with your "torture"

* Although you have your meltdowns and "moments" you continue to have a joyful spirit that is full of life. You love to make us laugh and I think you have the best little sense of humor!

* You love to play in water (whether it is in the bath, pouring it in and out of cups, in the sink, etc.)

* You amaze us by how observant you are and by how much you pick up and learn just by watching

* You wear size 2T clothes and size 4 or 5 diapers
(You will sit on the potty every night after your bath, but have yet to actually GO potty :)

* You weighed 31 lbs (90th percentile), 36 1/4 inches tall (90th percentile) and 19 1/2 inches head circumference (75th percentile) at your 2 year check up

* You moved into a big boy bed about a week ago and the transition has been incredibly smooth!

We can't wait to see what an amazing big brother you will be!
What a precious gift you are from the Lord!!!

Here is a quick video of Landon opening up his gift from Uncle Barrett and Aunt Rhonda
They gave him an entire set of cars from the first "Cars" movie (he still plays with them everyday, takes them in his bath, takes 2 to bed every night and takes them whenever we leave the house...a big hit)!

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