Thursday, January 6, 2011

10 Months Old

I have come to realize that it is extremely difficult to get anything done with a 10 month old! Landon is soooo mobile now that to even sit down to check my email seems to be slightly impossible. When he is napping I have to take advantage and get things done around the house. All this to say that I have been majorly slacking in the blog department! I have been meaning to put up pictures about Christmas...but that will have to come another day! These pictures are actually closer to 9 months old, but I hadn't had a chance to post them yet.

* You are still sleeping well at night. Over Christmas you got a cold and ear infection so that set us back a little, but for the last week you have been sleeping about 11 hours a night.

* Your nap schedule has been great, usually up about 3-4 hours in between naps

* You still love eating but have gotten a bit particular with what you want and don't want. You will battle us if we try to feed you something you aren't in the mood for.

* You are eating 3 meals a day but still love your milk

* You are so busy, it is hard to keep up with you. You can really move quickly and keep us on our toes. You love to explore and are constantly finding new things to get into (drawers, closets, cupboards). Our house seems to get more and more barren as we move things away from you.

* You are getting stronger and stronger. You can easily pull yourself to a standing position and are beginning to squat back down instead of just falling. If we help you balance you can stand on your own for a couple of seconds.

* This week you have begun to try a sort of bear crawl, which makes you look like quite funny

* You respond to your name and are beginning to understand some other words (especially if we change our tone of voice).

* You are still babbling all the time and play around with different sound combinations. We still pretend that when you say "mama" and "dada" you are actually talking about us!

* You are beginning to play simple games with us like hide and will come crawling after us when we leave the room and then crawl away from us when you find us and we chase you. You also love to join in and play patty-cake.

* We are trying to teach you to wave hi and bye as well as be more consistent with high fives

* You have the cutest laugh and will sometimes crack yourself up even if no one else is around!

* You have learned how to throw a tantrum and are quite good at throwing your body back, screaming and swatting at us if you are mad or if we take something away from you that you wanted.

* You still love to rough house and your new favorite trick is when we flip you around

* You are in size 9 month clothes (beginning to wear some 12 month) and size 3 diapers

* You still have 6 teeth (4 upper and 2 bottom) although number 7 and 8 might be making their appearance soon

* You weigh 19 lbs 14 1/2 oz (25th-50th percentile)

* You are 30 1/4 inches tall (97th percentile)

* Head circumference is 18 1/2 inches (90th percentile)

It seems like you are changing and learning new things all the is hard to believe that in just 2 months we will have a 1 year old!
We love you Landon James!


Barrett and Rhonda said...

You got 2 done, I will leave you alone for a month or so:)

Kathy said...

How blessed we are to be able to see our sweet grandson as often as we have. We love him so much and wish we could just pop in to get our Landon fix everyday or so.