Thursday, December 9, 2010

9 Months

This post is coming a couple days late, but little Landon is already 9 months old! Time has truly been on warp speed. It is so crazy to look back at the months and see how much he has changed, developed and grown! We are excited for his first Christmas...we will be in Oregon with my side of the family!

* We finally have figured out the sleeping situation and you are consistently sleeping about 11 hours a night...yay! It took a couple nights of tough love, but we made it and all feel better because of it.

* Naps continue to go good and still vary in length, but you get 2 in a day.

* For some reason you have decided to like your pacifier. You don't suck on it all the time, but like it most if you are tired or fussy. Not sure what I think about it but it sure comforts you!

* You are a fabulous eater. You pretty much try anything now and don't like what you try. It is fun now to give you some of our food as you have the chewing and swallowing thing down.

* You like drinking water out of a seem to think you are pretty hot stuff when you do this!

* You now have 5 or 6 teeth...can't quite tell. You look sooo cute with all these chompers!

* You have begun to give kisses (which is more like sucking on our cheeks)! I still LOVE it though despite the massive amounts of slobber!

* You are officially crawling (happened right after Thanksgiving). Now that you are crawling you feel the need to pull yourself up on EVERYTHING. This is only a problem because you are a little unsteady still on your feet and you get bumps and tears daily :(

* You can independently pull yourself up and have started to figure out how to sit back down (which usually just consists of falling)!

* Being mobile has opened up a whole new world of exploring, you love wires, technology, remote controls and anything else that looks like you probably can't play with it (you found Addie's water bowl the other day and had a great time splashing)!

* You are eating 3 solid meals a day...but still love your milk!

* You are now clapping, which has resulted in also slapping us in the face (trying to put a stop to that one!)

* You continue to still be a happy baby with a great sense of humor (you seem to try to make us laugh and in the mean time really crack yourself up)

* You are more deliberate in all of your acts and will reach for us to be picked up (which really melts my heart)

* You are "talking" a lot more with all sorts of different vowels and consonants. You can even say "mama" and "dada"...if only it were deliberate with meaning! You also like to click your tongue making all sorts of sounds.

* You are in 9 month clothing and size 3 diapers

* You weigh just over 20 lbs

What a delight and blessing you are!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

How can one little boy have so much cuteness?! Adorable! And check out all those teeth!