Saturday, October 9, 2010

7 Months Old

7 months old! How is it possible?! You have grown so much this last month. You are bigger, stronger, and developing new skills every day. You also have such a happy, sweet personality. You smile at everyone and just light up the room with your bright eyes and happy grin. I feel like you have overflowing joy in your heart that you just want to share with others! I pray that this joy and attitude continues with you as you grow.

* Night sleep has gotten better. You will go to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and usually sleep until 5 or 6 am, then go back to sleep until 8:00 or so
(we still have some nights where you wake up around 2 or 3 am)

* You are napping really well during the day (as long as we are home). One good nap in the morning and one good nap in the afternoon.

* You eat at least one solid meal a day. You have tried carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, cereals, bananas, peaches and apple sauce. As of now you prefer veggies over fruit (I think the fruit is a bit tart).

* You easily sit up unattended and can reach out a grab things from a sitting position

* You are beginning to balance on all fours (I'm still hoping crawling is a ways away...I'm not ready for you to be mobile!)

* You still don't roll over much from your back to your belly, but can get to your belly from a sitting position

* You are so curious and LOVE new things (people, places, toys, etc.)

* You now sit in a high chair when we go to restaurants and flash your grin at everyone we see (you tipped over your first water glass the other day...all over my lap!)

* You still like to scream, both in delight and when you are pissed

* I have heard a couple consonants (mostly m's and g's)

* Everything goes in your mouth and your grasp is getting really strong

* You are wearing size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothing

* I don't know how much you weigh...our scale is broken (but I'm guessing around 18 pounds, you have the rolls to prove it!)

As I said before "joyful" is the word I would use to describe you right now. You just bring so much joy to me and Jared and our household. We are blessed to have you as our son!!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

WHAT?! 7 MONTHS?! Little man is growing up...too quickly (if I may add)! I love those little rolls on the back of his legs! He is such a JOY! I need to get to know him better. You guys are way blessed with an amazing baby boy!