Wednesday, August 11, 2010

5 Months Old!

* We regressed a little in sleeping, you sleep around 6-8 hours at first and about 10-12 hours a night

* You have been getting more consistent with naps and take at least one longer nap a day with a couple other cat naps

* You are a terrible transfer sleeper and will wake up and be up if we try to move you mid-sleep (even if it has only been 15 minutes)

* Your two bottom teeth are officially in and hurt like heck when you bite our fingers

* You have tried and seem to like rice cereal (although I am lazy and don't give it to you enough)

* You can now sit up tripod style with your hands on the floor (Dad says you are just resting on your fat roll!)

* You have rolled over from back to belly and belly to back a couple of times, but aren't super consistent with this yet

* You still love you feet and put ANYTHING you can in your mouth

* You love to play "rough", being tossed around and thrown in the's how you laugh the hardest

* You continue to have the loudest, highest pitch scream

* You will track us and our voices across the room

* You can play slightly more independently now on the floor with your toys

* You are reaching for toys and have a strong grasp

* You wear size 3-6 months and are in size 2/3 diapers

* You weigh 17 lbs 1 oz

It is crazy how fast time seems to fly, but we really do love you more and more each day!


Shannon said...

He's getting SOOOOO big!!! I think it's time for another...:) Can't believe he has two teeth! I wanna see him! Such a sweet baby.

Kathy said...

We love him so much, can't wait to see him again. Seems like it's been ages. Love, love, love the picture of our boy.

Anonymous said...

Love that picture! You're so smart to document all these things. Wish I'd been doing that all along, because the details are hard to remember later on.

Libby Lu said...

thanks for the info! it's fun to know landon's progress. and his picture is so stinkin cute!! you done good, rhonda marie ;)