Friday, June 4, 2010

3 Months Old

I can't believe I'm already posting about Landon turning 3 months old! The last 3 months have been so rewarding and more fulfilling then we could have imagined. Here's is what our little man is up to these days:

* You are sleeping between 7-9 hours at night when I first put you down

* You still eat every 2-2 1/2 hours during the day

* You love to eat and it seems to be what you love most!

* You can sit up now with body support, you are holding your head up all by yourself

* You are awake for longer periods of time during the day and love to be talked to and played with

* You can tell now when you are by yourself or if someone is around, you don't like to be left alone when you are awake

* You are all smiles and coos when you are being talked to (you try to laugh but haven't quite figured out how, so you mostly just suck air in)

* You don't really like tummy time, but will try to "crawl" if you have something to push off of

* You always make us look good when you are with others...such a good and content baby

* You continue to be quite expressive with smiles and other facial expressions

* You are tracking items and trying to grab them, but can't quite figure out how

* You can lift your legs up and sometimes roll onto your side

* I think you are going to be a thumb sucker because you are constantly trying to figure out how to get your thumb in your mouth, but your other fingers always get in the way

* You are wearing size 3-6 month clothes...although some 3 month still fit and size 2 diaper

* You took your first 8 hour car trip to see grandpa and grandma and did great

* Your eyes are still blue and your hair is still brown

* According to our home weighing system you now weigh 14 lbs 6 oz.

We just love you so much and are excited to continue to watch you grow!


Melissa said...

wow 3 months already!!
love the pictures! ...he's so cute, and you look great!

Unknown said...

He's doing so much and getting so big! We need to get together more often...I feel like there's so much I'm missing in between times! Miss you guys!

Kathy said...

Grandpa and Grandma love hearing about our little guy, we just can't get enough of him. He is such a joy in our lives and can't believe how blessed we are.

Annie Searcy said...

Landon is such a little man now! What an absolute cutie!! Love it!

Unknown said...

Rhonda you have a beautiful family and I love reading your journey with little Landon! Congrats!