Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter 2014

Since I don't post often, all of my posts seem to be tons and tons of pictures! This one is exactly the same filled with pictures of our Easter fun! I really love Easter with the boys.  There are so many fun traditions that we can do together and I love watching and experiencing things with them.  Landon is really starting to understand what Easter is all about and I love hearing him talk about Jesus dying on the cross because He loves us so much and then rising from the dead so that we can be with Him in Heaven.  Landon loves all of the Easter surroundings of egg painting, egg hunting, Easter baskets, and candy.  BUT he really does understand why we do it all which is what really matters. 

Since we moved into our new house we have joined in the neighborhood egg hunt with the neighborhood adjacent to us! 


In the past we have gone with our good friends who lived in the neighborhood and this year we went with my parents (who moved into the neighborhood and just around the corner from us at the beginning of April). 
 It is always a lot of fun!
Prior to the game, Landon thought SpiderBear should go in the SpiderMan basket :)  

The first year, Landon got 2 eggs before the entire field of eggs were gone, last year he did a little better and got probably 10-12 eggs and this year he did even better :) 
With the help of Nana, he found one of two real eggs and got to pick out a prize at the end...which ended up being a cute stuffed bunny.

They split the hunt into age groups this year too, which helped with the madness.
Blake was definitely overwhelmed and got about 4-5 eggs with me carrying him the whole time :)

Blake was definitely too distracted to take a good picture!

Here was our attempt at a father/son picture...not super successful!

After the egg hunt we painted Easter eggs.

Jared had the BRILLIANT idea to paint the eggs this year instead of dyeing them.

It truly was a brilliant idea and so much less messy.

Blake is at an age that dyeing eggs would be an absolute mess and I was kind of dreading it.

Both boys had a lot of fun and I think we will probably do it this way for the next couple of years!

Blake didn't last as long as Landon, as he was a bit worried about his hands getting paint all over them.

Landon was so cute and made sure that a majority of eggs were green (his absolute favorite color).

I thought they turned out great and clean up was SOOOO easy!

On Sunday we went to church.  I was in nursery so I didn't get to be in the service, but we had so many visitors which was really exciting and I've heard the message and music were both great. 

I tried to get a picture of the boys before church...BUT that task didn't turn out super well!

I did get some amazingly cute pictures of Blake though after church!

His little smile and smirk kills me...

SO cute!!!

We gave the boys their Easter baskets after their nap and before we headed up to Jared's parents house. 


They were excited to get them and it is another fun tradition to do!

My parents joined us for Easter dinner and the weather was beautiful!

Before we ate we took some family pictures and pictures of the boys!

Out of 132 pictures (not exaggerating) you are bound to get some good ones and we definitely did!

This one of Landon makes me laugh soo hard!  He is at that age where he tried to force smiles and he kept saying the sun was in his eyes and this is what we ended up with :)

We did get a very sweet one too!

Our day ended with an Easter egg hunt and lots of candy eating!

They had a great time!

Landon is a good little looker

And Blake definitely got the hand of it!

Blake was a little more interested in opening and eating the candy after he found the egg!

It was a great day and the boys got their fill of eggs and candy!

I love these blessed we are!

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