Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Actually more like 13 1/2 months but I wanted to at least post through Blake's first year!  What a great year it has been as Blake managed to make his way easily into our hearts, lives and schedules.  Not posting pictures because I just want to get this up for posterities sake!

Here's what you are up to these days!

* You have settled into a great sleeping routine.  You easily go down about 8-8:30 and sleep until about 7-8:00 the next morning.  Occasionally you wake up a little earlier but will go back to sleep if I give you bottle.  

*  You don't need to be rocked to sleep, but I do rock you while you drink your milk and then lay you down with your pacifiers.

*  You have transitioned to one nap a day (much earlier than your brother did).  You nap at 1:00 and lately have been sleeping about 3 hours...which is fabulous!  Your brother will usually nap for about an hour which overlaps at the same time :)

*  You are an independent eater and a slightly picky eater.  You don't like to try new things but usually once I can get a bite in you like whatever it is I'm feeding you.  You seem to like fruit, veggies and carbs more than meat.

*  You are fully weaned which was a little bittersweet for me.  You weaned at 13 months and transitioned well.  You drink 3-4 bottles of milk a day.

*  You say quite a few words and jabber all the time (dada, addie, hi, up, that, out, yeah, yum), I'm sure there are a couple more I can't think of for now.  Unfortunately, there has been no "mama" yet :) 

* You are super affectionate with hugs and cuddles, but withhold kisses!  I think it's because I ask for them constantly and you like to play hard to get.

*  You love to listen to music and will shake and dance when a beat comes on.  You are also doing hand motions to some of your favorite songs. 

*  You are officially a walker!  You took 1-2 steps for a couple of weeks and then on June 5th you decided it was time and really took off!  You haven't looked back since and are now walking at least 90% of the time.  Your balance is getting better and better on various surfaces, uphill and downhill.  I think this makes you an official toddler!

* You have quite an opinion on things and are not afraid to share it with others.  You can't be tricked or distracted very well and can throw quite the fit if you don't get your way!

* You are figuring out quite a few of your toys and are starting to play with them in the appropriate way.

*  You are so stone faced around other people they think you never smile or giggle...but around us you are a jokester and have the best personality!

*  You are also a rough houser like your brother!  You love to wrestle on the couch, get thrown around and have fun being tossed in the air.

* You love your mommy, daddy, brother, Addie, your bottle and your pacifier.

*  You seem to be quite musical and love playing the toy guitar that we have.

* You are in size 12 month clothes and size 3 diaper.

* Your hair is brown and your eyes are still brown (slightly hazelish at times)

* Not sure how much you weigh exactly but it was around 19-20 lbs at your appointment.

The last year was a whirlwind full of love, sleepless nights, laughs, crying, craziness and all the joy imaginable!  So blessed to be your mama and am in awe everyday at the miracle you are in the way God molded you, formed you and perfectly placed you in our lives!

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