Sunday, April 7, 2013

10 Months Old

10 months old already...actually 10 1/2 months old already!
Time is flying by and our little man is growing and changing daily.  Becoming more of his own independent and charming person!

Here's what he is up to these days:

* Nothing seems to have changed in the sleeping department.  You are pretty consistent sleeping from about 8:00-8:00ish.  You still wake up around 5:30/6:00 to nurse (although, I don't think you need to eat, it has just become more of a habit).

* Your nap schedule is very consistent too.  You nap about 3 hours a day spread out between 1-2 naps.  You will nap around 10:30 and 2:30.  The amazing thing is that if you miss your morning nap you don't seem to mind too much.  You don't get too grumpy and will then take a long afternoon nap.  I love these days because then you and Landon will nap at the same time!

* You a very self sufficient in going to sleep on your own.  You like to nurse and then get put down in your crib with all your pacifiers and will eventually fall asleep. 

* You can drink out of a straw very well and can drink out of a sippy cup independently!

* You are a good eater and a very independent eater.  You have gotten a bit more picky over the last month.  You like fruit a lot and are beginning not to eat some of your veggies as much.  You love grapes, oatmeal, bananas, graham crackers, pancakes and are beginning to like chicken.

* You have learned how to spit things out and do this with anything I try to feed you!

* You are eating 3 solid meals a day and still nursing about 5 times a day.

* You will now drink a bottle of formula if need be, which has been a life saver at times.

* You officially started crawling when my parents were out here for Landon's birthday on March 7th

* You started pulling yourself up to standing the very next day on March 8th :)

* You are soooo mobile now and are quite the explorer!  You crawl around and pull yourself up on everything.  You get into things you are not supposed to.

* You aren't quite able to cruise around yet when standing but are getting stronger everyday. 

* You have certain obsessions: Addie's water dish, the open dishwasher, drawers, anything your brother has, and his toy swords!

* You are very curious about the stairs, yet you can't quite go up them yet...thank goodness!
*** Update: you officially started climbing stairs the day after I posted this on 4/8, yay for baby gates!***

* You are beginning to understand things, especially "no, no" and when I tell you to "sit down" in the tub.  Although you seem to understand "no", most of the time you will only stop for a minute, smile at us and then try to go back to doing whatever it is you were doing!

* You are also shaking your head "no" which is also so cute!  You will do it in imitation and also when I am trying to feed you something you don't want (hard to tell if it has meaning yet, but it seems to at times)

*  You just started to clap 2 days ago (4/5) and it is so cute!  When we say "yay" you are beginning to clap now!

* You will wave "hi" when watching yourself in the mirror.

* You will sign "all done" after you are through eating when we ask if you are "done"

* You aren't saying any real words yet but are babbling a ton and are saying a ton of sounds.  Occasionally we hear a "dada" or "mama" but unfortunately I don't think you mean it yet!

* You like to giggle and laugh and be tickled and smile at us!

* You still only have 2 bottom teeth

* You are wearing size 9 month clothes and size 3 diaper

* I'm not entirely sure how much you weigh, but I'm guessing around 19- 19 1/2 pounds

So fun watching you grow and change!
We fall in love with you more and more each day!

On another note, Landon got a balance bike for his birthday and is trying to figure out how it works!  He gets a little frustrated right now because he knows what he should do but can't quite do it fast enough for his liking yet :)

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