Friday, August 17, 2012

3 Months Old

Guess who's 3 months old?!?!?  Yep, Blake!
As I seem to say every month, it is so hard to believe!
I started back at work this Wednesday and all in all it was a good week.  

Here is what our little man is up to these days:

* You are slightly inconsistent still when sleeping at night :(
You have gone anywhere from 5 hour stretches to 9 hour stretches.
After the first long stretch you usually go about another 3 hours at a time

*  You continue to eat every 2-2 1/2 hours during the day
(unless you are taking a long nap and then you stretch it out a bit longer)

*  You are a good nurser and good about taking a bottle

*  You eat very fast (which I'm thankful for at 4:00 in the morning!)

*  You can hold your head up by yourself and with body support can sit up

*  Your legs are getting stronger and you can "stand up" if we are holding you

*  You still have the same schedule during the day of a shorter nap in the morning and evening and a longer afternoon nap

*  You are always ready to go to bed for the night between 8:00-9:00 and usually wake up around 8:00 in the morning

*  You still sleep best in your chair for naps and on your side cuddled up

*  You love to have your pacifier when going to sleep

*  When someone is giving you attention you are a big smiler and are cooing a TON

*  You are fairly stoic most of the time but really light up with 1:1 attention

*  You can tell when you are by yourself and do not like to be left alone

*  You love to be talked to and played with and will attempt to carry on conversations

*  No laughs yet, but we are anxiously awaiting the day when you figure out your giggles

* You aren't a huge fan of tummy time, but like to be on your tummy if we hold you on our chests

* You are a mover when awake, constantly waving your arms and kicking your legs

*  You like to track faces better than objects (if you have a choice you will look at mommy or daddy rather than toys)

*  You are able to roll from your side to your back and can sometimes from your back to your side

*  You LOVE your fingers and are quite amazed by them when they "appear" in front of your attempt to put them in your mouth quite a bit too

*  You still startle easily and continue to get the BIGGEST eyes when something scares you

*  You are wearing size 3 month to size 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diaper

*  Your hair is still brown and your eyes are a mystery 
Sometimes they look blue, brown or green 
(I personally think they will eventually turn brown)

*  According to our home weighing system you weigh 13lb 7 oz.

*  Overall you are just a real sweetheart
Very content, loving, cuddly, cute and so fun to have around!


Shannon said...

He is such a sweetie. So fun how you document each milestone! That will be fun to look at someday when both boys are older. Wish I was that dedicated! ;)

Shannon said...

He is such a sweetie. So fun how you document each milestone! That will be fun to look at someday when both boys are older. Wish I was that dedicated! ;)

Amy said...

So so adorable. Love his expressions!!!