Sunday, June 24, 2012

1 Month Old

Our little guy is 1 month old already (actually 5 weeks yesterday).  Time has gone by so fast, with the exception of middle of the night feedings!  Blake continues to be a true joy and blessing.  He can be a bit demanding at times when he wants to be held or when he is hungry, but overall he is a real sweetheart!  

Here's what our sweet boy is up to these days:

* You are sleeping in our bathroom (only because our bedroom is downstairs and your bedroom is upstairs and I refuse to walk up and down stairs 3-4 times a night)
* You sleep about 2 to 2 1/2 hours at a time
* We are trying to convince you to sleep longer at night, but you aren't too keen on the idea :)
* You are EXTREMELY noisy when going to sleep or waking up (grunting, groaning and moaning)
* You are a good eater (you seem to eat about 2 1/2-3 oz at each feeding)
* You like to be awake and asleep for long periods during the don't typically take catnaps
* You are usually awake for a good chunk in the morning, asleep for most of the afternoon and then awake in the evening before you go to sleep for the night
* You like to sleep in our arms, your crib or your vibrating chair
* You like to sleep on your side and seem to find this the most soothing when napping or trying to go to sleep
* You really like your pacifier if you can't nurse (you seem to have a strong need to suck)
* You are wearing size 1 diapers
* You are beginning to transition out of newborn clothes into 0-3 months
* You are starting to focus on things better and are beginning to try to locate my voice
* You can sometimes track loud toys or bright objects
* You haven't really smiled yet but you like to form an "o" with your lips (funny thing is that Landon did this all the time too)
* You are definitely a cuddle bug and love to be held tight and close
* You usually are ready for bed by 9 or 9:30 at night and then wake up for a long stretch about 9:00 in the morning
* At times you can grasp items (although I think this is unintentional at this point)
* You have a strong neck and can lift up your head when you are on our chest or your tummy
* You like to be wrapped warm in a blanket but don't like to be swaddled tight
* You are fairly quiet throughout the day but will definitely let us know if you are hungry, tired, bored or need to be held
* So far your hair remains brown and your eyes are still blue
* You haven't had a Dr. appointment since 2 weeks but when I weighed you, you were 9lb 4oz
* Your brother continues to adore you and you don't seem to mind him rarely cry or fuss when he is holding, hugging or kissing you
I like to cuddle with you in bed for about an hour in the morning before your brother gets up, you seem to enjoy the cuddle time too!
You definitely have this mommy completely infatuated and wrapped around your little finger!
You are truly a blessing from the Lord and are so LOVED!!!


Allikaye's Mama said...

Oh! He is precious!! I can't believe our babies are so close in age! Mine are 4months this week! Kai and Blake could be buddies...sigh...if only...
if only...

I love how you give his updates! Please show him pictures of his long lost Aunt Ashley!

Shannon said...

So sweet, love the alert pics. I haven't ever seen him that awake in person! Landon looks so big now!