Tuesday, November 30, 2010

FREE Shutterfly Holiday Cards

I recently found out about a promotion that Shutterfly is doing...all you have to do is blog about Shutterfly and you get 50 FREE holiday cards! Jared and I have been trying to decide whether or not we want to send out Christmas cards this year. I figured since we now have Landon, maybe we should start that holiday tradition. I love getting other people's Christmas cards in the mail. Shutterfly is the company that we used for Landon's announcements and I thought they turned out great.
Shutterfly seems to have some great options for Christmas cards this year...from single photos to photo collages:
You can also do calendars:
or Christmas mugs:
I have been trying to think of creative gifts this year...so these might be some great options!

This is way too good of a deal to pass up since Christmas is right around the corner.
For all you blogger friends out there just go to this website and sign up...then write your own blog about Shutterfly and get your 50 FREE holiday cards!

We are hoping to take some cute holiday pictures with Landon soon...we just got a ton of snow yesterday, so I think now might be a good time to get some cute shots. We are also going to a Christmas party that my work puts on for all of our patients tonight. Santa will be there so we will see if Landon cooperates for a cute photo! Hopefully pics to come soon of some holiday fun!

Happy Blogging and Happy Holidays!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

On the Go

Landon is becoming more and more mobile. He has been able to kind of roll and scoot around the house but the other night was some of his best scoot/crawls. This was definitely the longest distance that he has covered without going to his belly or sitting back up. I think I am still in denial that he will be full fledged crawling soon because I seem to be very unmotivated to "baby proof" my house!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Landon seemed to enjoy his first Thanksgiving
He even got a special Thanksgiving sweater for the occasion!

He thought the mashed potatoes and gravy, turkey, pumpkin pie and whip cream were all YUMMY!

My parents got to come out again this year and we had a great time with them

We went up to Jared's parents' house for a low key Thanksgiving celebration

Jared's grandpa was there and it is always fun for him to get to hold Landon

We feel extremely blessed and have much to be thankful for!

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." Psalm 107:1

Thursday, November 4, 2010

8 Months Old

I need to stop saying how I can't believe Landon is as old as he is...but I can't help myself! I can't believe he is already 8 months old!!!

* I should probably stop posting on your sleep habits because they are ever changing depending on the night, your growth spurts, your teething spurts, etc. At this point all I know is that you will sleep 11-12 hours every night. How many times you wake up is entirely up to you (somewhere between 1-3 times). There are times now thought that I can get you back to sleep with your pacifier instead of feeding you.

* Naps are still more consistent...one in the morning and one in the afternoon

* You have tried a variety of solids (cereals, carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, squash, peas, applesauce, bananas, peaches, pears, corn and puff cereals)

* You love sweet potatoes, corn, carrots, squash and puff cereal

* You HATE peas and don't much care for the other solids although will tolerate them from time to time (I really wish you liked fruit more!)

* You are sooooo close to crawling, you get on all fours and attempt to go forward but just can't quite figure out how

* Although you aren't crawling you are mobile and can somehow get from place to place very well by flipping, rolling, etc.

* You can get from your back all the way to a sitting position

* You can roll from your back to belly, belly to back, go from sitting to lying down and vice versa...basically you are able to get to all different positions now on your own

* You are trying to pull yourself up on furniture but aren't quite strong enough yet

* You are babbling many more sounds...I have heard /m, n, h, y, d, g/ and an occasional /b/ (that makes this mommy speech therapist very excited!). You actually said your first /d/ sound 5 days ago.

* You like to play with your tongue and move it all around in your mouth or stick it in and out like a lizard

* You STILL like to scream in anger or delight

* You love to smile, laugh and make other people smile and laugh with you

* Your top right tooth just poked through your gums today

* Your fine motor skills are developing more and more as you can pick up smaller things and switch things back and forth between your hands

* You try to feed yourself the puff cereals and occasionally have success

* You love listening to your daddy play his guitar...it mesmerizes you
(maybe this means you will be musical)

* You are wearing size 6-9 month clothing. You are so tall that you have to wear 9 month pants but 6 month shirts still fit you

* You are wearing size 3 diapers

* You weigh 20 lbs

It is so fun to watch you grow and develop, learn new things and become more and more of your own person with your own unique personality.