Here are the most recent pictures in my baby belly journey:
35 weeks
The size of a crenshaw melon (once again ???)
About 6 lbs and 18 1/2 inches long

37 weeks
As long as a stalk of swiss chard
6 1/3 lbs and about 19 inches long
Jared has been wanting to put his photo skills to work and take an artsy photo of me pregnant in order to frame and put in the baby room. I think he did a great job! We couldn't decide if we liked it better in color or black and white.
I am officially considered full term at this point!!!
Although I would still like to make it to 39 weeks, if the baby was born now it would no longer be considered pre-term. Yay!
wow! Jared did a great job at the pics! Love them. You look beautiful!
You did it!! Full term! Yay! Praise the Lord! The color pic would be good if it was a girl...and the other for a boy!! Good skillZ Jared!!! I wish I could be there for the birth...wah! But you better call me! Remember when I called you...was it at midnight?
hooray! congratulations! especially with having to go on bed rest and made it! i'll be praying for you guys (mostly you!) and congrats to jared and his new job. i hope he enjoys the change =) xoxox
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