Yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound (I am actually 21 weeks). It was really fun to get to see our little one again and to see how much they have grown. This was also the time in which we could find out if we are having a boy or girl. Well, the verdict is that we are having a...healthy baby! We decided to wait and not find out the sex of the baby until he/she makes his/her world debut. This is the way we were leaning; however, we got lots of pressure from different family members and friends who really wanted us to find out now. The only person on earth who knows is our ultrasound technician and we were reassured that she couldn't be bribed by family members! As Jared says, delivery day will be truly epic!
All is well with baby at this point. Growth is right on target and measurements were really even. I do have to go back in 2 weeks because my cervix is measuring thin (2.4-2.9 cm and they like it to be 3.5 cm). Nothing to be concerned about at this point, but they want to check and make sure that I am staying steady.
During the appointment baby was in a breach position with it's spine out and completed folded in half! It moved a ton during the ultrasound and kept grabbing the umbilical cord, opening and closing it's hand and stretching. The technician said that it is going to be very tactile! We were given a CD with some pictures and videos. I am posting all the pics because there are some anxious family members afar who want to see and hear about anything and everything baby (the videos won't work right now, so I will try to post those later):

The baby's feet are really long at this point. Measured longer then it's femur! As you can see, their second toe is bigger than their big toe!

Profile view: Baby has it's hand up against it's forehead.

Profile View...what a cute little nose and mouth!

Profile View: Baby was basically folded in half, as you can see it had their foot up parallel to it's head.

Another profile view showing it's foot above it's head. The 3 dots coming down below it's foot is the umbilical cord.

Last profile picture!
I can't believe that I am already half way through with the pregnancy! The Lord has been good and we feel truly blessed!
What a beautiful grandchild. We can't wait to hold our grandchild and tell he/she how much they are loved. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful pictures. All of God's creation is awesome but never more so than in His creation of a baby. Please let our grandchild know how special it was for us to get to see him/her.
AWWW!!! I can't wait to meet the little babe! We are very happy for you guys! I'll admit it's kinda cool you are waiting. You're the only one's out of 14 people who are pregnant that are NOT finding out. It will be an epic day for sure! Love you!
WHAT PRECIOUS PICS!! I haven't seen such cute ultrasound pictures in a long time. I like the one where he/she is pretending to faint. And the folded in half ones, and of course the adorable profiles! Congrats you guys, what a blessing!! Great job with the self control!
Those are awesome! Thanks for posting them! I am so excited to find out boy or girl! And this is totally not who reads the ends of books...I am proud of you! I can not wait to hold that tactile agile little precious baby!! Yay!!
I'm so impressed! I just can't believe you are not going to find out if it's a boy or girl!!
The pictures were great! Glad to hear everything is going well too!!
Super sweet baby pics! Good for you guys and waiting until delivery day! I couldn't do that but I think it would be super special. Hope all goes well during the second half too.
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