Woo Hoo...a new post! I have been fighting a bad head cold over the last 2 1/2 weeks. Last weekend it decided to turn into a nasty sinus infection. I have never had a sinus infection and would like to never experience one again. It was SO painful. I had to eventually call the on-call doctor last Sunday and get some antibiotics, which are working, and I feel much better.
Needless to say, posting was the least of my worries, as I felt horrible for so long.
However, things are moving along fantastically well. Baby is doing great and last week was the first week that I felt like I was sporting a pregnant belly and not just extra weight. It is a bit strange though the attention you get when pregnant. I'm by no means offended, but it is a bit weird to get so many comments and "observations" about my body. One co-worker wanted to rub my belly, but I'm not quite ready for that one!
Last weekend (when the torturous sinus infection hit), Jared and I went to Bear Lake in Utah with his parents. My mother-in-law convinced me to go into a maternity store and needless to say I am a big fan of maternity pants, at least my work maternity pants. I have been using rubber bands, paper clips and other office equipment to make my pants fit. It was a nice change to feel comfortable again!
Here are some updated pictures...I feel as if I look really tired in both pictures, but I have been getting pressure to post new belly pics.

Week 17
(Baby is the size of a turnip, 5 inches head to rump and weighs 5 oz.)

Week 18
(Baby is the size of a bell pepper, about 5 1/2 inches head to rump and weighs 7 oz.)
I haven't felt movement yet, but it could be any day now. The doctor said anytime between 18-22 weeks. Next ultrasound is October 23rd, so I'll keep you posted!!!
P.S. Thanks to everyone for your comments and advice about my last post. Jared and I really appreciated it!
You are such a cute momma!! Your belly pics are so cute!!! What a bummer about how sick you've been, I'm glad you got some good antibiotics and are feeling better. Being sick while pregnant is no fun, and besides it can be scary, especially if you end up with an infection. Glad you're well again though!
OOHHH! I love the pictures!! Your belly is growin' and you look fabulous!
It is fun to hear your baby updates...so much sounds just like me when I was going through it! Especially the rubberbands and paperclips! Those came in handy after the birth too!! Love you! Only a few more weeks until we find out boy or girl, right?! Oh - and I was 18 months along when Matt and me came out to visit you guys!
As Grandma I am planning on saying hello to my grandchild and rubbing your belly to let him/her know they are loved. Also Grandpa and I want to know the day you feel the baby move, of course Jared should know first. You are so cute with your belly but it is hard to believe that our baby girl is having a baby.
Love much, Dad & Mom
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