Oakley Rose is officially 2 months old!
Here is what she is up to these days!!!
* You are a rockstar in the sleeping department! You typically sleep between 5-7 hours at first and then follow it up with a 3-4 hours stretch before your brothers come down. Then you like to snooze longer! You have done a couple 8 hour stretches which is crazy!
I'm praying you don't regress in this area since getting good sleep has been a true blessing and life saver of my sanity!
* You don't have a super strict routine but typically are awake between 1-1 1/2 hours at a time before ready to sleep again. You will take a really long nap in the afternoon and sometimes in the morning with catnaps here and there. At night you are awake the longest for about 2-2 1/2 hours and then go to bed for the night between 9:30-10:30
* You still like to be swaddled when you sleep. At night I swaddle you really tight and you sleep on your back. During naps I swaddle you lighter so you can get your hands up by your face and you usually sleep on your side.
* You still grunt and groan a lot when waking up
*You are so cute when you first wake up and you stretch, grunt groan and make little old man faces!
* You eat about every 2-4 hours during the day. You always like to eat when you wake up and usually I will nurse you before you go to sleep.
* We haven't done a bottle a lot, but the couple of times we have you have done pretty good.
* You are definitely smiling on purpose and will lay and smile or coo at us
* You are very happy during diaper changes and when laying on your changing table
* You are still a cuddle bug and love to sleep on our chest or in our arms...you really love Grandpa's shoulder too!
* You also love sleeping in the Moby wrap, which is where you go when we walk or when we are out and about
* Although you are slightly fussy at night, you have grown out of that phase and are much happier when awake
*The only time when you are really angry is when you are being ignored for long periods or when you are tired and in your carseat before you fall asleep
*The only time when you are really angry is when you are being ignored for long periods or when you are tired and in your carseat before you fall asleep
* Although you are still a bit of a bobble head, your neck is much stronger and you can support your head when we support your body. You can also move your head back and forth whether on your back or belly.
* You seem to really enjoy your bath still and like to look around and feel the water on you
* You are responding to voices and love being talked to. If you are awake you don't like to be left alone...you prefer to be interacted with and part of the action!
* You are quite the mover and are constantly waving your arms and kicking your legs when awake
* You tolerate your brothers and don't get too upset when they are constantly in your personal space (kissing you, rubbing your head, talking 1 inch from your face, etc)!
* You have blue eyes and brown hair and thankfully the hair on the crown of your head has grown back in
* You are wearing size 1 diapers and still newborn or 0-3 month clothes (3 month are just slightly too big still)
* You weigh 9 lbs 7 oz (15th percentile), are 21 1/4 inches long (8th percentile), head circumference is 37 1/2 centimeters (25th percentile)
You are still a little peanut and weigh over 3 lbs less than your brothers did at 2 months BUT you are doing great and right where you should be! We love watching you grow and change!